■ Art and Culture in Italy ■ Information about Italy ■ Accommodation in Italy ■Hotels in Italy (1 to 5 Stars)
I have a reservation = Ho fatto la prenotazione [Oh fahttoh lah preh-noh-tah-tsyohneh] Do you have any vacancies? = Avete una stanza libera? [Avete oona stantza leebera?] What is the charge for one night? = Quanto si paga per notte? [Kwanto see paga pair notte?] I would like a room for...nights = Vorrei una stanza per...notti [Vorray oona stantza pair...notee] We are going to stay a week = Restermo una settimana [Rehsteh-rehmoh oonah seht-tee-mahnah] Do you have a room with a private bath?= Avete una camera con bagno privato? [Ah-vehteh oonah kammehrah kon bahnyoh preevahtoh?] Please have my bags sent up to my room = Puo far portare su I bagagli, per favore [Pwoh fahr pohrtahreh soo ee bahgahlyee, pehr fahvoreh] When is breakfast/dinner served? = A che ora viene servita la colazione/la cena? [A ke ora vyene serveeta la kolatzyone/la chena?] May I have another towel? = Posso avere un altro asciugamano? [Pohsoh ahvehreh oona ahltroh ahshoogahmahnoh?] Please prepare the bill = Per favore, prepari il conto [Pehr fahvohreh, prehpahree eel kontoh]
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