In a Restaurant / Italian Phrase Book






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In a Restaurant/ Italian Phrase Book           (back to the main menu Italian Phrase Book)


Do you know any good restaurants nearby? = Conosce un buon ristorante nei dintorni? [Kohnohsheh oon bwon reestohrahnteh nay deentohrnee?]

I would like to reserve a table for three = Vorrei prenotare un tavolo per tre [Vohr-ray prehnohtahreh oon tahvohloh pehr treh]

The menu, please = Il menu, per favore [eel meh-noo, pehr fah-voh -reh]

Is there a set menu? = C'e un menu fisso? [Cheh oon menoo feesso?]

The wine list, please = La lista dei vini, per favore [Lah leestah day veenee, pehr fahvohreh]

I would like... = Vorrei [Vorray]

Where is the bathroom? = Dov'e la toletta? [Dohve lah tohlehtah?]

Could we have a napkin? = Potremmo avere un tovagliolo? [Pohtrehmoh ahvehreh oon tohvahlyohloh?]

A fork = Un forchetta [Oo-nah fohrkehttah]

A spoon = Un cucchiaio [Oon kookkyahyoh]

A knife = Un coltello [Oon kohltehlloh]

I'd like a bottle of red wine = Vorrei una bottiglia di vino rosso [Vohray oonah bohtteelyah dee veenoh rohsoh]

White = Bianco [Byahn-koh]

The bill, please = Il conto, per favore [Eel kohntoh pehr fahvohreh]

Is service included? = Il servizio e incluso? [Eel sehrveetsyoh eh eenkloosoh?]





